… travelling again!!!

I know we cannot do it yet, probably not so soon. But we can dream of it!

And, you know what? Dreams are free. We can fly as if on the wings of a seagull, no risks involved, your thoughts will carry you anywhere, safely!

I don’t know what your thoughts are, but I’ll tell you mine.


That’s probably how we are all feeling about ourselves and the world we live in since early in the year 2020.

So, why not turn the feeling into a beautiful dream like: travelling to the Antipodes?

For those who live in Portugal, as we do, our Antipodes’ country is:


Yes! Don’t you tell me you wouldn’t love to go there some day?

I would! And I dreamed of it so strongly, that I don’t really know any more if it was just a dream…

That’s why I want to tell you about it.

But I’ll do better than telling you. I’ll show you.