1. Sacristia da igreja matriz de Escalhão


By Carlos Castilho Pais

Philos is much pleased to announce that Carlos Castilho Pais has just published a book containing the chronicles that, from 2006 to 2016, we had the honour of including in our Magazine under the title In Portuguese.

As the author refers in the Introduction of his book:

“I have called them Chronicles, because they bear witness to the vicissitudes of who wrote them, having to address thinking and living the translation. (…) A chronicle is not an essay. But the reference may encourage the reader to search for more information. (…) My usual teacher, Valery Larbaud, is present in these Chronicles, but many other authors who exist on my bedside table have not had the same fate, a result of the circumstances of time that no-one can escape from.

I am especially and sincerely grateful to the team of Philos translators for the English translation of these Chronicles. Thank you!”

We, at Philos, are also most grateful to you, Professor! Best wishes for your book!